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Stelliform Press

Stelliform Press is a small Canadian publisher focusing on speculative (SFFH) climate and environmental storytelling that centers justice and the impact of ecological issues on communities and cultures. Since we launched in 2020, our books have been nominated for or have won the Crawford Award, the Otherwise Award, the Sir Julius Vogel Award, the Aurora Award, the Philip K. Dick Award, and the Ursula K. Le Guin $25,000 Prize for Fiction. Find us on Instagram, Twitter (X), and Facebook.

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Broad Universe

Broad Universe is a nonprofit organization serving writers, editors, publishers, and aspiring publishing professionals of historically marginalized gender identities, including women, trans women, and nonbinary individuals working in speculative fiction. Since 2000, Broad Universe has been working to:

  • Promote the work of women, trans women, and nonbinary writers in science fiction,
  • fantasy, and horror.
  • Educate the speculative fiction community, the public, and our Supporters about the creative contributions of historically marginalized gender identities.
  • Nurture and grow a professional community and fan base to support our mission.
  • Offer resources for writers and publishing professionals whose gender identities have been historically marginalized.

As a feminist organization, the Broad Universe Motherboard is proud to support FIYAH Literary Magazine of Black Speculative Fiction in their mission of uplifting the voices of Black storytellers in speculative fiction. Find us on Twitter (X) and Facebook.

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Imagine 2200

Grist’s Imagine 2200 climate fiction short story contest has advertised on FIYAH Lit. Imagine 2200 engages writers from across the globe in envisioning the next 180 years of climate progress. Whether built on abundance or adaptation, reform or a new understanding of survival, these stories provide flickers of hope, even joy, and serve as a springboard for exploring how fiction can help create a better reality.Read the latest collection, or learn how to submit to an upcoming contest: grist.org/imagine2200

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